Argan Oil for Eczema: DIY Recipes Against Dry, Itchy Skin

argan oil for eczema

For those wearied by the search for a kinder solution, argan oil for eczema emerges as a natural ally, offering a serene path to skin harmony and comfort. In this article, we delve into what eczema is, the components in argan oil that helps with eczema care and lets you in on a DIY argan oil recipe that you can make yourself.

Key Takeaway

  • Argan oil can significantly soothe eczema symptoms.
  • Its natural components reduce inflammation and redness.
  • Regular use helps restore the skin’s moisture barrier.
  • Argan oil is gentle on sensitive skin, making it ideal for eczema care.
  • Incorporating argan oil into your routine can offer long-term skin health benefits.

Understanding Eczema

What is Eczema?

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition marked by itchy, inflamed patches that can crack, weep, and even bleed. It’s a visible sign of the skin’s battle with irritants and often, an internal immune response gone awry, leaving the skin’s barrier compromised and moisture-depleted.

Common Symptoms of Eczema

Identifying the symptoms of eczema early can help manage the condition more effectively. Here are the common symptoms associated with eczema:

  • Dry, Sensitive Skin: Eczema causes the skin to become extremely dry, which can lead to sensitivity and irritation.
  • Intense Itching: One of the most distressing symptoms, itching can be severe and often worsens at night, leading to difficulty sleeping.
  • Red, Inflamed Skin: The affected areas may appear very red and inflamed, and may sometimes swell.
  • Rough, Leathery Patches: Over time, areas that are repeatedly scratched may become thickened and feel leathery.
  • Oozing or Crusting: Especially when scratched, the skin may ooze and form crusts, a sign of possible infection.
  • Areas of Swelling: Swelling can occur in and around the patches of affected skin.

Recognizing these symptoms is the first step in seeking appropriate care and treatment. Effective management of eczema involves moisturizing regularly, avoiding triggers, and, in some cases, using prescribed medications to control inflammation and itching.

Different Types of Eczema

Let’s delve deeper into the different types of eczema, providing a more nuanced understanding of each variety, its triggers, symptoms, and some additional insights:

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis is the most common form of eczema, often surfacing in early childhood. It is characterized by chronic, itchy rashes that can ooze, become scaly, and thickened over time. This condition is closely tied to a family history of eczema, asthma, or hay fever, suggesting a strong genetic component. The skin’s barrier function is compromised, making it more susceptible to irritants and allergens. Flare-ups can be triggered by factors like dry skin, environmental conditions, stress, and certain foods.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact Dermatitis occurs when the skin reacts to direct contact with substances that are irritants or allergens, leading to red, itchy, and inflamed skin. It is divided into two main types: irritant contact dermatitis, caused by exposure to harsh chemicals, soaps, or detergents; and allergic contact dermatitis, resulting from an immune reaction to substances like nickel, fragrances, or poison ivy.

Dyshidrotic Eczema

Dyshidrotic Eczema is marked by small, itchy blisters on the edges of the fingers, toes, palms, and soles of the feet. These blisters can cause significant discomfort and sometimes pain. The exact cause is unknown, but it is believed to be associated with factors like stress, moist hands and feet, exposure to metals (particularly nickel), and seasonal allergies. This form of eczema is more common in women and can flare up under stress or seasonal changes.

Nummular Eczema

Nummular Eczema, also known as discoid eczema, presents as distinct, coin-shaped spots or patches on the skin. These lesions can be itchy, scaly, and sometimes oozy. Unlike other forms of eczema, nummular eczema does not necessarily follow a familial pattern and can be triggered by skin injuries (like a bug bite or a burn), dry skin, environmental irritants, or infections. Its appearance can sometimes lead to confusion with fungal infections, requiring careful diagnosis.

What Causes Eczema

Let’s delve deeper into these contributors to better understand the tapestry of factors behind eczema.

  • Genetic Predisposition: If your family history includes eczema, asthma, or hay fever, you might find yourself more susceptible. This genetic link suggests that eczema is part of a larger pattern of allergic conditions, passed down through generations, waiting for the right trigger to come to light.
  • Environmental Factors: Pollutants, tobacco smoke, and even harsh weather conditions can aggravate the skin. Household products, such as soaps and detergents, strip away natural oils, leaving the skin vulnerable. It’s a delicate balance, where even the clothes we wear can tip the scales towards irritation.
  • Immune System Overactivity: Our immune system, designed to guard us against harm, can sometimes become overzealous, mistaking benign substances for threats. In eczema, this heightened response can lead to inflammation, turning the skin’s surface into a battleground where redness and itching prevail.
  • Skin Barrier Dysfunction: Healthy skin acts as a formidable barrier, locking in moisture and warding off allergens. In those with eczema, this barrier is compromised, leading to moisture loss and increased vulnerability to irritants and allergens. This breach in defense not only facilitates the entry of irritants but also makes it challenging to break the cycle of dryness and irritation.
  • The Vicious Cycle: This combination of factors sets the stage for a relentless cycle. Dry, itchy skin leads to scratching, which further damages the skin barrier, making it more susceptible to irritants and allergens. It’s a cycle that demands not just treatment but understanding and patience, addressing not only the symptoms but the underlying causes.

Understanding Eczema Triggers

Managing these triggers is crucial for reducing flare-ups and maintaining skin health. Here are some common triggers that individuals with eczema should be mindful of:

  • Irritants: Everyday substances like soaps, detergents, shampoos, disinfectants, and even certain fabrics can irritate the skin and exacerbate eczema.
  • Allergens: Dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and mold can trigger eczema in susceptible individuals.
  • Food Allergies: Certain foods, particularly dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds, soy products, and wheat, can trigger eczema symptoms in some people.
  • Stress: Emotional stress doesn’t cause eczema but can significantly worsen symptoms or trigger a flare-up.
  • Climate and Sweating: Hot weather, high humidity, or even perspiration from exercise can irritate the skin and lead to an eczema outbreak.
  • Hormonal Changes: Women may experience changes in their eczema symptoms at different points in their menstrual cycle or during pregnancy.

Diagnosing Eczema

The process of diagnosing eczema, a common skin condition also known as atopic dermatitis, involves a detailed examination and evaluation by a healthcare provider, typically a dermatologist. There’s no single test to diagnose eczema; instead, the diagnosis is based on a combination of factors:

  • Medical History Review: A thorough discussion of the patient’s medical history, including any family history of eczema or other allergic conditions like hay fever or asthma, is essential. This helps to identify potential genetic predispositions to atopic conditions.
  • Physical Examination: The healthcare provider will examine the skin to note the pattern, location, and appearance of any rashes or lesions. Eczema has characteristic patterns and features that can help differentiate it from other skin conditions.
  • Symptom Evaluation: Understanding the history of the symptoms, such as their duration, intensity, and any known triggers, is crucial. Eczema is often marked by periods of flare-ups followed by remission.
  • Possible Additional Tests: While not always necessary, certain tests may be performed to rule out other conditions or identify specific triggers. These could include allergy tests or a patch test to detect skin sensitivities to various substances.

Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention is paramount in managing chronic conditions like eczema to mitigate their impact on daily life and prevent long-term complications. Here’s why acting swiftly and effectively at the onset of eczema symptoms is critical:

  • Alleviates Symptoms Quickly: Early treatment helps relieve the discomfort of itchiness and pain, reducing the severity of the initial flare-up and improving quality of life.
  • Prevents Skin Infection: Scratching itchy eczema can break the skin, making it susceptible to infections. Early intervention can reduce scratching and the risk of infection.
  • Minimizes Long-Term Damage: Chronic eczema can lead to lichenification, where the skin becomes thick and leathery. Addressing eczema early can prevent or minimize this and other long-term skin changes.
  • Reduces Flare-up Frequency: Understanding and managing eczema triggers early on can lead to fewer and less severe flare-ups over time.
  • Improves Emotional Well-being: Eczema can have a significant emotional and psychological impact, affecting self-esteem and causing stress. Early management can help mitigate these effects, leading to better overall mental health.

Benefits of Argan Oil for Eczema

argan oil soothe eczema

What is Argan Oil?

Argan oil, a golden, velvety elixir, is derived from the kernels of the argan tree, native to Morocco. Esteemed for centuries in beauty and culinary practices, its rich composition of fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E makes it a powerhouse for skin health. 

What Makes Argan Oil Stand Out for Eczema Care

Argan oil’s benefits to the skin are manifold, starting with enhancing skin hydration, promoting healing, and strengthening the skin’s barrier function. In the case of eczema care, it helps in reducing susceptibility to irritants that can trigger eczema flare-ups. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to alleviate itching and redness, offering comfort to those with sensitive skin conditions.

Unlike many conventional treatments, argan oil provides a gentle, chemical-free option, making it an exceptional choice for anyone seeking to harness the power of nature in their skin care regimen. This combination of hydrating, healing, and soothing capabilities sets argan oil apart as a preferred solution for managing eczema effectively.

Nutrient Profile: Argan Oil Components That Help Against Eczema

  • Vitamin E (Tocopherol): Moisturizes the skin, improves water-binding ability, and protects against free radical damage.
  • Essential Fatty Acids: Omega-6 (linoleic acid) and omega-9 (oleic acid) fatty acids maintain the skin’s barrier function and elasticity, soothing inflammation.
  • Squalene: A natural moisturizer that keeps the skin soft and hydrated without greasiness.
  • Polyphenols: Offer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to calm skin irritation.
  • Sterols: Improve skin metabolism, reduce inflammation, and retain moisture.
  • Carotenoids: Protect the skin from UV radiation and promote healing.
  • Additional Antioxidants: Further protect the skin from oxidative stress and damage.
  • Various Forms of Vitamin E: Provide additional antioxidant protection beyond tocopherol.
  • Minor Phytosterols: Assist in skin repair and barrier strengthening.
  • Other Fatty Acids: Include smaller amounts of various fatty acids that contribute to the oil’s overall nurturing effects on the skin.

How Argan Oil Helps Calm Eczema-Prone Skin

The natural makeup of argan oil offers a multifaceted approach to managing eczema:

  • Moisturizing: By replenishing the skin’s natural oils, argan oil helps restore the protective barrier, keeping irritants at bay and moisture sealed in.
  • Reducing Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of argan oil can help reduce the redness and swelling associated with eczema flare-ups.
  • Soothing: Argan oil’s ability to soothe skin makes it an excellent choice for calming itchy, irritated areas without harsh chemicals.

DIY Argan Oil Recipes for Eczema

Simple Argan Oil Moisturizer For Daily Hydration

Combining the nourishing properties of argan oil, the balancing touch of jojoba oil, and the soothing essence of lavender, this recipe promises to deeply moisturize and rejuvenate your skin with every application.


  • 2 tablespoons of pure argan oil
  • 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil


  1. Mix all ingredients in a clean bottle.
  2. Apply a few drops to damp skin after bathing to lock in moisture.

Argan Oil and Lavender Soothing Night Time Blend

This serene concoction marries the restorative properties of argan oil with the tranquil scents of lavender and chamomile essential oils, offering a potent solution designed to relax your senses and promote skin healing as you drift into peaceful slumber.


  • 3 tablespoons of argan oil
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 1 drop of chamomile essential oil


  1. Combine the oils in a bottle.
  2. Massage gently into affected areas before bed to aid relaxation and skin repair.

Argan Oil Soothing Bath Additive For a Calming Bath Experience:

By blending the therapeutic qualities of Epsom salts, the creamy luxury of whole milk, the deep hydration of argan oil, and the refreshing essence of peppermint essential oil, this mixture not only soothes itching but also deeply moisturizes the skin, making every soak a rejuvenating retreat.


  • 1/4 cup of Epsom salts
  • 1/4 cup of whole milk
  • 6 drops of argan oil
  • 3 drops of peppermint essential oil


  1. Dissolve the Epsom salts in warm bath water.
  2. Mix the milk, argan oil, and peppermint oil in a small bowl before adding to the bath.
  3. Soak for 15-20 minutes to relieve itching and hydrate the skin.

How To Find The Best Argan Oil For Eczema 

  • Look for Pure Argan Oil: Ensure the product is 100% pure argan oil without any additives, preservatives, or synthetic ingredients. Pure argan oil offers the full range of benefits without the risk of skin irritation from unwanted chemicals.
  • Check the Packaging: Argan oil should be packaged in dark glass bottles. This protects the oil from light, which can degrade its quality over time. Avoid argan oil in clear or plastic bottles, as these can affect the oil’s integrity.
  • Opt for Cold-Pressed Oil: The best argan oil is cold-pressed. This extraction method ensures that the oil retains its nutrients, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids, making it more effective for skin care. Cold-pressed oils are usually labeled as such.
  • Consider the Origin: High-quality argan oil comes from Morocco, the native land of the argan tree. Look for products that specify their Moroccan origin, as this often indicates authenticity and adherence to traditional extraction methods.
  • Organic Certification: Choosing organic argan oil ensures that the product is free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Organic certifications, such as USDA Organic or ECOCERT, are good indicators of a product’s purity and eco-friendly practices.
  • Transparency and Ethical Sourcing: Brands that provide clear information about their sourcing practices and support local communities in Morocco are often more reliable. Ethical sourcing ensures the sustainability of argan oil production and supports the livelihoods of local women’s cooperatives involved in its extraction.

Gentle, Yet Effective Care for Eczema Relief

Embracing argan oil as part of your eczema treatment strategy can be a game-changer. Its natural, soothing properties offer a beacon of relief for those navigating the turbulent waters of eczema management. Remember, the journey to healthier skin is not only about treatment but about nurturing and protecting your skin’s natural barrier.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I apply argan oil for eczema?

The frequency of application depends on your skin type and the severity of your eczema. For most, applying argan oil once or twice daily, especially after showering or bathing, helps maintain skin hydration and reduce irritation.

Can argan oil be used on sensitive skin?

Absolutely. Argan oil is known for its gentle nature, making it ideal for sensitive skin. Its natural, soothing properties help calm skin irritation without causing additional discomfort. Always perform a patch test to ensure compatibility.

Will argan oil clog pores?

Argan oil is non-comedogenic, meaning it’s unlikely to clog pores. Its light texture allows it to absorb quickly into the skin, providing moisture without leaving a greasy residue.

Can I use argan oil with other eczema treatments?

Yes, argan oil can be used in conjunction with other eczema treatments. It serves as a natural, moisturizing complement to medicated creams or ointments. However, consult with a dermatologist to tailor a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Is argan oil safe for children with eczema?

Argan oil is generally safe for children, offering a natural option to soothe eczema flare-ups. Given its mild nature, it can be a suitable addition to a child’s skincare routine, but it’s advisable to consult with a pediatrician first.

How long does it take to see results from using argan oil on eczema?

The timeframe to see improvements can vary. Some may notice a difference in their skin’s condition within a few days, while for others, it might take a few weeks. Consistent use is key to achieving and maintaining benefits.

Can argan oil help prevent eczema flare-ups?

While argan oil cannot cure eczema, its moisturizing and soothing properties can help manage symptoms and may reduce the frequency of flare-ups by maintaining the skin’s barrier function and preventing dryness.
