What Happens to Skin When We Age?

Several Changes Happen To Our Skin As Time Passes By

The skin holds great functions in our lives. Although not given enough attention by many, the skin actually needs more care than most people think.

Most would know that moisturizing the skin either through lotions or creams is important. But how many people really have a moisturizing regimen for the skin? How many people actually put lotions and creams religiously?

Maybe because time does not permit, or because finances hinder some to moisturize, or maybe mere laziness is the reason – the fact is not a lot of people take much notice of their skin.

The skin holds vital functions in our body and as we age, the skin ages too. This brings problems that we need to be aware of in order to help the skin and escape probable difficulties brought about by aging.

Important Functions of the Skin

  • Protection. The skin is partly responsible for protecting internal organs in the body.
  • Immunity. An important function of the skin is to help the body defend against various bacteria and infections.
  • Moisturize. The skin is important to the body as it prevents water loss, keeping skin moisturized.
  • Shape. The skin gives shape to our body. Imagine skinless body and how vulnerable it would be.
  • Air. Another function of the skin is that it lets our body breathe.

What Happens to Skin as We Age? The skin is composed of 3 important layers – the epidermis, dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue. Each layer of skin ages too.

Here is a look at what actually happens to each layer as we become older.

Epidermis As we become older, the epidermis loses melanin producing cells that protects the body from UV radiation. As a result, the skin shows age spots. Aside from this, as we become older, skin looks aged as well.

The reason for this is that the upper epidermis becomes thinner as we age, cells divide slower than usual, and dead skin does not shed as easily.

Dermis Just like the epidermis, the dermis becomes thinner as we age. Also, connective tissues and collagen found in this layer begin to lose their elasticity. Not only these, as we grow older, the dermis’ ability to keep moisture lessens making skin become dry.

Subcutaneous Tissue Composed of fatty tissues, this layer of the skin is an insulation of the body. It protects the body from heat and cold and at the same manner it acts as cushions to delicate organs in the body. As we age, so does this part of the skin. The fat layers in the skin decreases causing the dermis to sag, thus older people get sagging skin.

Keeping Skin Young Using argan oil is one of the best ways to keep your skin young. How can oil do this? Argan oil is not your typical oil bought in the supermarket or drugstore.

Argan oil is composed of natural nutrients that penetrate the different parts of the skin. Able to give the skin moisture, vitamins, and essential fatty acids, argan oil is the most successful in keeping skin elastic and young looking.

Defying aging effects has never been this easy. A few drops of the oil is enough to keep skin supple and fresh. Known for its strong age defying properties, argan oil has been the moisturizer choice of many individuals all around the world.