smiling woman with aloe vera background

Aloe Vera’s Incredible Benefits on the Hair

Take a look at your average, skin-care products. You’ll notice one of the most common ingredients is Aloe Vera. But did you know that aloe vera can also do great wonders for your hair?

It comes from the aloe vera plant, which makes it full of plant-based nutrients. Manufacturers of hair care products are justified in their use of aloe vera for just about every product, from shampoos to leave-in conditioners.

In this article, you’ll learn all you need to know about aloe vera for the hair. Discover a new way of caring for your tresses.

So, what is aloe vera anyway? Explore the beauty of this all-around beauty product.

Table of Contents


What is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that has covered much of the globe. It has elongated leaves that are fleshy to the touch.

If you break a leaf off from the main plant, you’d find the gel and juice that’s used in those everyday hair products on store shelves.

Aloe Vera’s Origins

The first records of aloe vera use among humans came along in 2,100 B.C. In fact, Cleopatra was one of its first fans!

It typically grows in warm regions, such as deserts, but it can thrive in a few rainy areas too, such as Southeast Asia.

Aloe vera was used by the Egyptians as a medicinal product at first. It treated both internal and external issues, from digestive problems to sunburns.

The plant’s popularity grew, and it was taken by explorers to nearly every section of the world today.

Anatomy of the Aloe Vera Plant

Did you know that most of the aloe vera plant is made up of water? Each leaf consists of a gel center and structured exterior.

The gel center houses the most common ingredient found in your hair-care products. Within the exterior structure, however, is the aloe vera juice.

You’ll know the difference between the gel and juice because each one has a distinct color. The juice is yellow, and the gel is clear.


The Nutrient Factor

You might wonder which nutrients are in aloe vera. A good question may be which nutrients aren’t found in this plant.

The main vitamins include A, B, C and E. You’ll also find fatty acids, hormones and enzymes within the gel and juice.

Don’t forget about key minerals that are essential to life, such as:

  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium

There are even sugars within pure aloe vera, which provide a positive effect on the hair. Each nutrient creates a balanced environment for organic molecules.

These nutrients might offer anti-inflammatory properties or antioxidant power. Their actions on human hair are almost too numerous to count.

With ingredients that enhance your hair’s strength, aloe vera’s use in hair-care products makes sense. You can find it in almost every product line across the world.

Do you want to have a more in-depth look at aloe vera’s benefits on the hair? Keep on reading because the plant’s benefits are worth a look or two.


Benefits of Aloe Vera on The Hair

If you’re frustrated with your hair at any point of the day, you aren’t alone. Many women style and restyle their tresses, but they aren’t happy with the results.

The solution isn’t found in hairspray and numerous gels, however. Aloe vera benefits the hair from the shaft on outwards.

Explore these main benefits when it comes to aloe vera on your hair:

Dry and Frizzy Hair

Aloe vera can change the look of dry and frizzy hair. As you apply it, the substance creates a protective barrier across the tresses.

This action fights environmental influences, such as humidity that worsens any hair prone to frizzy conditions. The amino acids within aloe vera also calm the hair so that it hangs beautifully down your back.

Damaged Hair

Give thanks to vitamins A, C and E because they encourage healthy hair. They actually influence the cellular activity at the hair’s level.

As more fresh cells emerge, your hair has enough tissue to replace the damaged areas. With regular use, aloe vera improves the hair’s health with vitamin power.

Curly Hair

Your curly hair can look like it’s been professionally styled with aloe vera in your beauty routine. The coated locks have definition and shininess so that frizz isn’t an issue anymore.

Hair Growth

Did you know that folic acid and vitamin B-12 are instrumental in hair health? You’ll find these nutrients in aloe vera for hair growth.

Aloe vera is essentially a moisturizer, which coats your hair and encourages it to grow strong with a balanced pH level.

Hair Loss

Don’t fret about hair loss because aloe vera provides some reprieve. The proteolytic enzymes within this plant substance encourages healthy, hair growth.

Apply aloe vera to your hair and scalp so that you strengthen blood flow to the region. It makes a difference when it comes to hair loss.

Oily/Greasy Hair

Aloe vera balances out the hair’s pH along with stripping any extra oil from the strands. You’re left with hair that’s deeply moisturized without any leftover residues.

Scalp health

Your scalp is merely skin with a lot of hair follicles. Aloe vera treats both the hair and skin in this area.

The scalp will have better moisturizing than without aloe vera in the mix. Because it has anti-pruritic properties, the aloe vera reduces itching that might contribute to poor, scalp health.

All of these benefits are thrilling, right? However, how do you apply aloe vera for the best results?

Challenge any hair issue with these basic ways to apply aloe vera. You’ll feel like a professional in no time.


Ways on How to Use Aloe Vera For Different Hair Issues

Now that you’re familiar with the hair issues that aloe vera targets, it makes sense that you’d want a good primer on how to go about treating your tresses. Try these various strategies on your hair so that the aloe vera can work its natural magic on your style.


Select a shampoo that has aloe vera in it. It’s usually in bold terms across the bottle’s exterior advertisements.

Whether you have oily or dry hair, the aloe vera within these shampoos will even out your tresses. Don’t worry about over-moisturizing your hair because the aloe vera will balance out any issues between the scalp and strands.

If your favorite shampoo doesn’t have aloe vera, think about adding pure aloe vera to the mixture. It will enhance most products.


You may not realize that aloe vera has 20 amino acids. These molecules are the building blocks of proteins, such as hair strands.

By using aloe vera conditioner, you’re allowing these amino acids to soak into the hair shafts. Leave the conditioner on for as long as possible.

This soaking time will give the aloe vera a chance to move into the hair and benefit it well after your hair-care routine has ended.

Styling Gel

A clever way to use aloe vera is within your styling products. Look for a styling gel with aloe vera as a main ingredient.

Comb the gel through your hair. Allow it to remain there through your styling process.

By allowing the aloe vera to remain in your hair, it can condition it while you style. Curly hair retains its tight appearance while straight hair fights off frizz.

You might notice that each aloe vera treatment seems to improve the hair’s strength and sheen. This effect is the aloe vera working hard to strengthen your tresses.

Hair Mask Treatment

It’s a hard fact that any conditioner that must be washed out from the hair within a few minutes will only give you part of aloe vera’s benefits on the hair. What about a hair-mask treatment?

Aloe vera mixed with other mask essentials can create incredibly healthy hair. These masks are usually left on for about 30 to 60 minutes.

This time frame is long enough for the nutrients to work deeply into the shaft and scalp. You’re left with hair that’s ready for the tough day ahead.

What if you aren’t a big fan of over-the-counter products? Have you ever considered DIY treatments?

Take a close look at the best DIY recipes that involve aloe vera. They can work just as well or better than the store-bought products.


How to use Aloe Vera yourself

Because aloe vera can be grown in your own backyard, there’s no harm in using it as a natural ingredient. Follow this steps so that you can create your own mixture, which benefits the hair in so many different ways.

Start With Extraction

Step 1: Find the right Aloe vera plant. It is important to purchase a somewhat older plant without white dots.

Step 2: Cut a leaf from your aloe vera plant. Beware: It can be prickly!

Step 3: Rinse it off and slice the cut leaf lengthwise so that you reveal the gel inside. Use a spoon to remove the gel.

A Few Simple Recipes

Hairmask for oily hair

When you want to treat oily hair, try a hair mask. Mix aloe vera gel, mild shampoo and lemon juice together.

Apply the mask onto your hair for about 10 minutes. Shampoo it away for a balanced feeling across your tresses.

Leave-in conditioner for frizzy hair

If frizzy hair is the problem, consider a leave-in conditioner. Combine these ingredients into a bowl:

  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • Several drops argan oil

You may know all about aloe vera juice for hair recipe ingredients, but argan oil is a new selection. This natural oil is a great addition to your leave-in conditioner.

Argan oil works alongside aloe vera to balance the hair’s pH level. It offers many nutrients, including key fatty acids, which lead to improved appearances from the root to tip.

Ideally, pour this mixture into a spray bottle so that you can delicately apply it across the entire head. The nutrients continue to benefit the hair well after you’re done with your hair-care routine.

You know how to make aloe vera gel, so try applying it in various ways across the hair.

Are there frizzy areas at the scalp? Directly apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to your natural part.

Those frizzy areas will disappear in no time.

Use aloe vera gel as a simple conditioner in the shower too. Extract it in the same manner as before, and apply it to the hair.

Perform other shower duties, such as soaping up the body, as the gel remains in the hair. Rinse it out.

With regular use of aloe vera gel in the shower and afterward, you might see a difference in the hair’s appearance. Natural products, especially in combination with argan oil, benefit the hair into your mature years.

Be sure to purchase pure argan oil to go along with your aloe vera gel. Moroccan peoples extract argan with great precision.

Did you enjoy these aloe vera recipes? Will you try one today? If you want to know more about argan oil’s overall benefits, read our comprehensive guide here.

Before you get too involved with your DIY project, think about the possible effects that aloe vera might have on your hair and body. It’s worth a look because your body is unique among all women.


Side Effects of Aloe Vera

Because aloe vera is a natural substance, it’s relatively harmonious with the human body. Scientists do caution people when it comes to consuming it, however.

Most negative side effects that stem from aloe vera use come from ingesting it. Stomach discomfort, dehydration and electrolyte imbalances are possible when you eat or drink aloe vera products.

Using aloe vera on your hair, however, produces only a few side effects:


Your hair isn’t really alive. It’s considered dead tissue, so that’s why it has no sensation if you cut it. However, your scalp is sensitive to pressure and stress.

Irritation can occur with aloe vera when it comes into contact with the skin during hair application. Keep in mind that this scenario doesn’t occur with everyone.

Start out with a test area on your hair when trying aloe vera out for the first time. Most people aren’t sensitive to it, but it’s always a good idea to check first.


An unusual side effect to aloe vera use is possible staining. Fair-skinned people might notice a yellowing effect on the skin where it’s applied near the scalp.

Staining has been observed on the skin, but not necessarily on the hair itself. You shouldn’t see staining on the hair at all.

Precautions to Consider

If you have any sort of chronic ailment, be careful when you’re using aloe vera for the first time. Apply a small amount to a test area on your hair.

See if there’s any negative reactions. Try subsequent applications if you feel good afterward.

Be aware that some side effects may take some time to emerge. Simply be observant about any changes.

You know what’s normal for your body. In rare cases, you might observe dehydration, stomach issues and organ discomfort.

If you’re concerned about any effect emerging within your body, discontinue use of aloe vera. It’s largely benign, but everyone will react differently to its nutrient levels.

When you understand the side effects, using aloe vera is as safe as any other approved product in the marketplace. Simply observe your personal reaction to it for the best possible results.


Aloe vera might be your best pal by now! In this infographic, you’ll see some of the basics surrounding this amazing ingredient and its benefits!



It’s time to try out those DIY recipes so that you can really feel the effects of aloe vera’s power. Natural ingredients will only enhance your hair’s texture and appearance over time.

Have you tried aloe vera? Do you have a unique experience with it on your hair?

Share your thoughts and impressions in the comment section below. Every reader will love to heard your opinions as they explore their aloe-vera options. Each detail refines the average, hair-care routine as women discover aloe vera for their tresses.

Each detail refines the average, hair-care routine as women discover aloe vera for their tresses.


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