Natural Hair Care For Mature Women

A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Hair Care

Take a quick glance at any beauty magazine, and you’ll encounter models with perfectesd hair.

Is there a way that you can achieve the same results without hiring the expensive stylists?

Your answer is in natural, hair-care solutions!

From eggs to argan oil, the ingredients for natural hair care are so simple that many people overlook them.

There’s no need to pick from expensive shampoos, conditioners and sealants. Many of your solutions are in the kitchen pantry.

Explore your newest, beauty regimen by reading through this article. Get excited by these subjects, including:

  • Diving deeper into real, natural hair care
  • Benefits of going natural
  • Understanding your hair’s enemies
  • Learning how to shop and read over ingredient labels
  • Exploring natural alternatives
  • Getting familiar with common hair issues
  • Natural, hair-care tips
  • Argan oil’s solutions

The Definition of Natural Hair Care

Before you move ahead with your green evolution, it’s important to understand what natural hair care really means in today’s environment.

This phrase doesn’t refer to forgoing all care and letting the hair grow with wild abandon.

Natural hair care refers to a relaxer-free state where some chemicals, including appropriate shampoos, are entirely necessary.

If you tend to have curly or brittle hair, for example, leaving out the relaxer is a scary proposition.

It can be done, however, when you follow a strict regimen of moisturizing and shampooing.

Consider the impacts of going green with your hair care, including:

  • A change in shampoo is probably necessary
  • Natural care includes few or no heat treatments
  • Eating and exercising right must be part of your life
  • Learning more about botanical oils will make a huge difference

To follow a natural, hair-care regimen, take note of the foundation of your practices, styling techniques, product choices and daily maintenance.

The foundation refers to your overall health. Eating right and maintaining a balanced diet reflects onto your hair growth and sheen.

Styling your hair is possible without the help of chemicals or excessive heat. The success of your look often depends on the products being added to your hair.

You’ll learn how to read the labels so that harmful chemicals aren’t part of your regimen.

Maintaining your hair through daily rituals and periodic trims with the professionals will keep your tresses free of any split ends or other damage.

As a mature woman, prioritizing your hair with natural solutions will only make you appear younger as the locks bounce and shine during a workday or weekend outing.

Understanding natural hair care is just the beginning. It’s time to explore the benefits of going natural today.

You’ll wonder why you’ve overlooked this simple, lifestyle change in the first place.


The Benefits of Going Natural

You might be curious about the benefits to natural hair care, which include:

  • More quality for your money
  • Reduced toxins into the environment
  • Prevents product buildup on hair shafts
  • Supports small businesses

The quality ingredients within natural, hair-care products don’t have to be used in large quantities. A small amount of shampoo is all that’s necessary to cleanse your scalp.

As the product rinses into the drain, natural ingredients don’t create toxins out in the oceans where the water eventually ends up.

Chemical-Product Dangers

Shampoos and conditioners that are full of chemicals will leave your hair in worse condition than it was before you started.

Chemicals strip the hair of your personal oils, which nourish and strengthen the shafts.

You’ll end up adding more chemicals in the form of conditioners and styling products to the hair as you combat the damage created by the shampoos alone.

Negative Health Effects

Beauty chemicals have hormonal disruptors embedded within their molecular structures. Your hair, skin and body negatively respond to these hormone changes.

In fact, cancer-causing agents are also found in these chemicals. You don’t want chemicals near your scalp because the brain and bloodstream are directly below it.

When the chemicals absorb into your skin, they can be instantly transported to nearly any other part of the body.

Choosing natural products removes the chances of chemicals influencing your body, especially as you grow older.

What are the ingredients that are incredibly bad for your hair and body? This important question is answered below as you continue to learn about the importance of natural beauty products.

Your hair is ready for an organic change!

Ingredients Sure to Damage Your Hair

You might be shocked at some of the ingredients that are harmful for your hair, but they’re found extensively in many products.

Get familiar with these substances that are guaranteed to damage your tresses.

1. Alcohol

This substance is a filler that’s commonly used in many styling products, such as sprayable items.

Alcohol actually breaks down the hair shaft over time. It’s a dehydrating liquid that ultimately causes more damage than you realize.

As a filler, water should be the component that’s included in natural products.

2. Balms and Oils

Moisturizing products are a million-dollar business for beauty companies.

They use the latest product trends to entice the next buyer. The terms balm and oils are constantly applied to the next solution for dry hair.

However, most moisturizers that fall under this category aren’t meant for hair conditioning. Coconut oil, for instance, has a large, molecular structure.

Applying it to the hair only coats it. You won’t see any absorption. The hair simply remains greasy with no real, long-term benefits.

3. Elixirs

Elixirs are often given a bad name because of the myths surrounding their use in the past. There’s no miracle elixir, but there are a few products that stand out from the rest.

Argan oil is a beneficial elixir when it’s purchased as a pure substance. It has small molecules, which can penetrate the hair and nourish it from within.

If you’re interested in other elixirs, be sure to read their labels. Many products have low-quality ingredients or fillers that won’t help your hair.

They’ll simply appear to improve your hair, but they’ll rinse out with the next shampooing.

Be aware that there are even more ingredients to look out for as you shop for natural, hair-care products.

Discover the common ingredients that you need to avoid during that next beauty purchase.


Other Killer Ingredients to Avoid

There’s an astounding array of ingredients to avoid in your beauty products, which makes a natural, hair-care regimen incredibly attractive.

Avoid these substances at all costs:

1. Isopropyl

This ingredient is alcohol-based, which means that it damages your hair through stripping it of its natural oils.

Many hair products, including hairspray, contain isopropyl so read the labels carefully.

2. Parabens

You’ll see this term on many shampoos and conditioners because it’s used as a preservative.

It’s continued use, however, has been linked to breast cancer, spider veins and other health issues.

Parabens influences your hormones, which leads to the ailments in question.

3. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Compare this ingredient found in many shampoos with an engine degreasing product.

The same substance is in both mixtures, which makes you think about its power over your hair.

In fact, sodium lauryl sulfate breaks down grease or oils. You don’t want to strip your hair of every oily component.

4. Propylene Glycol

You expect a shampoo to leave your hair shiny and smooth so you’ll keep using it.

Propylene glycol offers this feature, but it does so by damaging the hair in its wake.

Avoid this ingredient with natural hair care products.

5. Urea

Urea can break down into formaldehyde, which is the preservative used at mortuaries. With this fact in mind, be aware that this chemical is a carcinogen that can mutate cells.

Contact dermatitis is another ailment that might plague your scalp if urea comes into contact with the skin.

By looking over this information so far, you’re quickly becoming a smarter individual when it comes to beauty and hair care.

Further your education by learning more about shopping trends and choices that can make or break your look over time.


Be an Educated Consumer

The battle for a natural, hair-care regimen can be won when you’re an attentive consumer.

Pull out your favorite product, and turn the bottle around. Read the ingredients from beginning to end.

Look for some of the offensive ingredients previously discussed, such as:

  • Alcohols
  • Parabens
  • Petroleum jelly

Keep in mind that the first three to four ingredients on the back of any product will be found in high concentrations compared to the others listed afterward.

If you see any alarming ingredients printed at the top of the list, move onto the next product.

Some product manufacturers remain very coy about their ingredient lists although they’re required by law to supply them. Go online, and search for their products versus quality assurance.

If you cannot find a complete ingredient list, there may be questionable items within the mixtures.

Consider a virtual trip to or so that you can learn the facts about any given product from a third-party perspective.

These websites offer certain perks, such as:

  • Immediate product identification through uploaded photos
  • Rankings for both chemical and toxic substances

After learning so much about hair-care chemicals, you know what to look for on each label.

Don’t be fooled by marketing techniques that place the word all-natural on certain beauty products.

Take some time out to read the bottle’s small print. It’s the ingredient list that truly tells you if all-natural is correct.

Look for 100-percent natural and organic hair-care products online or at reputable sellers in your neighborhood.

Sephora and Target tend to have good brands. Simply read over the labels before buying anything so that you know a stellar product is in your hands.

You don’t have to rely on manufacturers to formulate your next hair-care product. Explore the natural alternatives that are often found in your kitchen with the information below.

Be amazed at the simplicity and real results from natural resources.


Turn to Natural Alternatives

Treat your hair with natural resources found in most grocery stores.

Always think with a simple mind when it comes to ingredients that work, including these treasures below:

  • Oatmeal

  • Bananas

  • Hibiscus

  • Coconut Oil

  • Avocado

  • Butter

  • Olive oil

  • Tea

  • Eggs

Cleanse and moisturize your hair with oatmeal.

Creating a mask of argan oil, oats and milk and leaving it on your hair for 20 minutes will work wonders for your look.

A 20-minute treatment of bananas in your hair will moisturize and nourish the shafts with vitamins.

Visible, healthy hair is the result.

Use either flowers or powder to mix with water. Apply it to your hair for only 10 minutes before rinsing it out.

Your locks appear shiny and lightweight afterward.

Coconut oil
Try a bedtime ritual with coconut oil.

Massage it into your scalp as you place a shower cap over it. Go to bed, and rinse it out in the morning.

Shiny and moisturized hair will greet you in the morning.

Apply mashed avocado to your hair, and leave it on for about 20 minutes.

Dry and damaged hair is quickly relieved with a weekly treatment.

Precondition your hair with cooled, melted butter by massaging it into your scalp. Leave it on for about 30 minutes.

Shampoo and rinse to see a shinier look to your hair.

Olive oil
Make sure you have a plastic bag and towel ready after massaging warm, olive oil into your hair.

Allow it to moisturize the hair and scalp for about 45 minutes. Wash it out for healthier hair.

Shampoo with your everyday product, but rinse out everything with warm tea.

Black or chamomile teas offer shiny conditions to the hair while nourishing it with antioxidants within the traditional drink.

Eggs treat both dry and oily scalps.

Separate the egg whites out, and apply them to the scalp for oily conditions.

In contrast, the yolks treat the dry-hair sufferers.

Condition the hair for about 20 minutes before rinsing it out.

These ingredients are the tools to combat most hair issues. However, you might wonder which problems are the most common among mature women.

Continue with your exploration as you get familiar with those hair problems that seem to plague everyone.


Taking on Common Hair Problems

1. Gray Hair

Try henna powder and chamomile leaves boiled in water. Cool the liquid, and apply it to your scalp for some reprieve from gray hairs.

2. Lack Of Volume

Use natural shampoos that are lightweight by design. Your hair will lift up as a result.

3. Dry, Brittle Hair

Olive and argan oils are two solutions to dry, brittle hair. Apply and rinse them out for healthier locks.

4. Split Ends

Trimming your hair and conditioning it with avocado, olive oil or mayonnaise will reduce split-end occurrences.

5. Flaky Scalp

Apply aloe-vera gel to the hair and scalp to see a comfortable difference.

6. Dull Hair

A mixture of coconut oil and avocado will improve your hair’s sheen.

7. Limp, Flat Hair

Egg, sunflower oil and organic beer combine to liven up your hair on even the toughest days.

8. Frizzy Hair

Avocado and mayonnaise are a match made in heaven to calm your tresses.

9. Chlorine Damage

Try brewer’s yeast and olive oil to fight off chlorine damage. The nutrients and moisture absorb into the hair so that natural healing can begin.

10. Sun Burn

Olive oil and honey mixed together will heal the sun’s damage and cover the hair shafts with ample moisture.

11. Thinning Hair

Look for fenugreek seeds or powder that can be made into a paste. Apply it to the scalp for invigorated hair growth.

12. Hair Loss

Try Indian Gooseberry mixed with lemon juice to ward off future, hair loss.

13. Hair Fall

Massage your scalp with argan or coconut oil to reduce hair-fall situations.

It’s time to discover some hair-care tricks from the professionals that truly make a difference.

Natural hair care is quickly becoming more popular among industry insiders.


Natural Hair-Care Tips From the Pros

Take these beauty tips seriously because they come straight from the professionals, such as:

  • Avoiding chemical treatments, such as coloring
  • Using the proper comb and brush to reduce breakage
  • Choosing warm or cool water for your hair

Other beauty tips usually revolve around your lifestyle. Be sure to eat healthy foods with balanced meals every day.

The nutrients that flow through your digestive system and into the hair follicles can produce extraordinary hair with only basic topicals otherwise.

Unhealthy eating only leads to dull hair. Choose these foods for better, overall health, including:

  • Fruits with bright colors
  • Dark-green vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Lean proteins, such as chicken or tofu

Limit these foods on your plate because they only lead to unhealthy tissues and hair stress, such as:

  • Fatty meats
  • High-calorie desserts
  • Fried items

When it comes to taking care of your hair, remember that combing and styling it when it’s wet will lead to breakage.

Allow the hair to air dry so that you can avoid the heat from the blow dryer.

The professionals also have another tip that can change your look forever: Argan oil is a unique substance that’s produced in Morocco.

With one look at this golden oil, you’ll be mesmerized by its beauty and varied applications.

Learn more about applying argan oil to your hair as you continue to read through.

Argan Oil’s Power

Argan oil is one of the most powerful, hair-care products around.

Pure, argan products are completely natural because they originate from nuts found on the argan tree.

With a mixture of both modern manufacturing and local producers, argan oil retains its nutrients for the ultimate, hair conditioner.

The benefits of argan oil include:

  • Shinier hair
  • Reduced frizz
  • Corrects styling damage

Use argan oil to moisturize your locks when they’re dry and brittle.
An overnight application is best in these cases.

Split ends can be a thing of the past when argan oil is part of your beauty regimen.

Its inherent vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, makes this oil an important part of your daily, beauty routine.

After reading through this article, you’ve learned all about the details of natural hair care.

Definitions, benefits, applications and shopping tips are all included so that you can make an educated decision about any products in the foreseeable future.

You now know that certain environmental elements and product ingredients are your enemies.

Spread the word about poor hair care to your friends. Share your experiences in the comment section below.

By understanding that argan oil and associated alternatives are the keys to healthy hair, you can toss out those chemical-laden products.

It’s time to take control of your body through natural solutions. As a mature woman, you’ll thrive with these ingredients nourishing your hair.

The golden years will feel more like your 20s with these beauty secrets.


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