bottle argan oil hands beautiful nails

The Benefits Of Argan Oil For Your Nails

Moroccan Argan oil is great for keeping your nails and cuticles moisturized and making them stronger.

Argan oil is loaded with Vitamin E, which is a potent antioxidant and a great moisturizer.

Before we dive deeper into the nail-boosting benefits of the oil, it’s important to understand the structure of our nails.

Table of Contents


Nails and Cuticle Anatomy

The nail consists of three different parts:

1. Nail bed

This is the part that’s light pink in color, due to the blood circulation in your nail.

2. Nail root

The light crescent at the base of your nail is the nail root, which protects against infection.

3. Cuticle

The cuticle is the skin fold around your nail and consists of dead skin cells. Your cuticle has the task of protecting the living part of your nail.


What damages the cuticles?

Your cuticles suffer the most from dehydration caused by cold, sun, warm dishwashing water or aggressive cleaning agents.

This causes cuticles to lose their natural oils.

The consequence of this is that your cuticles lose their flexibility.

They harden, easily split and get cracking edges that can easily become inflamed.

The condition of cuticles can be divided into three categories:

  • Healthy cuticle, which is elastic and separate from the nail
  • Dry cuticle (tears quickly, loose sheets, dead skin particles)
  • Stuck cuticle (stuck on nail, inhibits nail growth, causes ridges)

How does a nail get damaged?

Because dry cuticles grow on nail, it pulls the cuticle with it as the nail grows.

The cuticle cannot really grow along with the nail and is therefore stretched too far and starts to crack.

Due to the tension on the soft and living part of the nail, deformations can occur on the nail.

This can cause the entire nail to become deformed.

It’s easy to see why cuticle care is the most important part of any nail treatment.

Properly hydrating your cuticles is the key for beautiful, strong and healthy nails.

Nails are protected by cuticles. When cuticles become dehydrated, they dry out and crack. This leaves the rest of your nail exposed to inflammation.

What does argan oil do for nails?

Argan oil hydrates, restores, protects and nourishes the nails, due to its high nutrient density.

The cuticles are intensely hydrated by using argan oil too.

Splitting, breaking and tearing of nails will eventually decrease as the nails become stronger and harder.

In addition, it also has an anti-fungal quality, which can prevent annoying nail problems.

Argan oil is therefore a perfect product if you want to care for your nails from A to Z.


How Argan oil improves nails

Argan oil contains several compounds that are essential for healthy fingernails.

Regular use will help to:

Moisturize nails

The main ingredient of the oil responsible for moisturising the nails is vitamin E.

An antioxidant, vitamin E also helps rejuvenate the cells that makes up our nails.

This makes them moist and healthy which is great in preventing diseases related to nails.

Strengthen nails

Vitamin E and several other compounds found in the oil help strengthen the nails, by conditioning the cuticles and preventing cracks.

EFAs also prevent nails from cracking.

They also prevent the formation of reddish skin around the cuticle.

Regenerate nails

The same compounds that help keep nails healthy also aid in regenerating them.

They fix damaged areas of the nails helping them grow back to their normal state.

Keep nails healthy

Because it makes the nails healthy and nourished, nails start looking healthy and vibrant.

The nails will be glowing and smooth as the nutrients from the argan oil keep the cells rejuvenated and nourished.

Vitamin E’s moisturizing benefits may also support nail health by preventing cracked cuticles and dry skin around the nail bed.


A 5-Step Nail Care Routine

You can use argan oil as a nail and cuticle cure, about once a week.

The step-by-step plan is as follows:

  1. Make a mixture of two equal amounts of oil and lemon juice.
  2. Soak your fingers for about 15 minutes in this bath of oil and lemon juice.
  3. Rinse your hands and pat them dry with a towel until they are damp.
  4. Apply two drops of argan oil on your palms and massage the oil on your nails and cuticles.
  5. You can gently push back any cuticles that have stick to the nail with a wooden hoof stick.

Go one step further by applying a drop of argan oil to your nails and cuticles before you go to sleep.

The next morning you will notice that your nails are healthier and stronger.

Here you can read more tips on how to use argan oil on nails.

Eventually your nails will break down and split less quickly – or no longer at all.

Recap of Argan Oil for Nails [ Infographic ]


Caring for your nails should be an important part of your beauty regimen!

Share this article to your friends so they can also take advantage of argan oil’s nail benefits!


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